Meeting Information

The American Indian Parent Advisory Committee meets monthly during the school year. Anticipated meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will be:

September 24, 2024 – Meeting
October 22, 2024 – Meeting
January 28, 2025 – Meeting
April 22, 2025 – Meeting
May 29, 2025 – Stole Ceremony

Meetings will take place at Farmington High School in room 1201 beginning at 6 p.m. For additional information about our meetings please contact:

Janna Murphy, American Indian Education Advisor
Phone:  651-252-2836
Email:  [email protected]

Chris Bussmann, Director of Secondary Learning 
Phone: 651-463-5054
Email: [email protected]

Notes from previous meetings can be found in the document container below.