Medication Administration at School and Required Forms
the safety of all students in Farmington Public Schools, student
medications are closely monitored. Below are guidelines for the use
of medications in schools.
Administration of Medication
A parent or guardian must complete the Medication Authorization Form
annually and it must also be signed by your child's physician and
returned to the health office at your child's school. The Medication
Authorization Form is included in this web page or can be obtained at
the health office at your child's school. To help assure the safety of all students,an adult must bring medication
to school.
Written parental and physician permission must be received to administer over-the-counter medications to your student.
Students needing inhalers to treat asthma are
encouraged to keep their inhalers in the nurses' offices. However,
students can be given the option to carry their own inhaler if the
parent and physician feel that the student is responsible to know when and how to administer the medication. The LSN or
building nurse will also assess the child’s level of understanding and
ability to self-administer the medication.
An agreement to self-administer medication must be signed by the parent, physician, student and nurse. A copy of this form is available from the nurse’s office at your child’s school at the bottom of this page.
Medications must be kept in the nurse's office unless arrangements have
been made with the Licensed School Nurse (LSN). Both prescription and
non-prescription medications must be in the original bottle and labeled
with the correct name, medication dose and time it is to be given. No baggies of medication will be accepted.