Special Education

Special Services

Welcome to Farmington Area Public Schools Special Services (special education) web page. This page is designed as a resource for staff members, parents and community members interested in special education information.

Special Services Contacts

Special Services Office
421 Walnut Street
Farmington, MN 55024
Phone: (651) 463-5020

Dana Strop, Director of Special Services          
Phone: (651) 252-2972
Email: dstrop

Meghan Dobson, Assistant Director of Special Services          
Phone: (651) 252-2973 
[email protected]

AJ Dubek, Special Services Coordinator
Phone: (651) 252-2971
Email: [email protected]

Tara Owens, Special Services ECSE Coordinator
Phone: (651) 460-3833
Email: [email protected]

Sayra Maberry,
 RN, LSN, Health Services Coordinator  
Phone: (651) 252-2975 
Email: smaberry@farmington.k12.mn.us

About the Special Services Program

In Farmington, a range of special education services are provided to students from birth through age 21 who have had a disability identified. Each building has a team that considers referrals, provides an assessment and then works with parents to develop an individualized education plan (IEP) that will meet the needs of the student.

The majority of students are served in regular classrooms with support from special education staff members. Our district also works with Intermediate District 917 to provide some low-incidence services. Special education provides services for students identified as: learning disabled, emotional/behavior disordered, hearing or visually impaired, mentally impaired, physically disabled, speech/language delayed, autistic, developmentally delayed or in need of adapted physical education, occupational/physical therapy or psychological services.

Approximately 1400 students from our district receive special education services. To the extent appropriate, we serve children in their home schools and in their regular classrooms. If you have any concerns about your child's development, please contact your child's teacher, principal or the Director of Special Services, Dana Strop, Director of Special Services, at (651) 463-5020.

State of Minnesota and Federal Funds are utilized in support of special education programs. Parents and community members may review applications, reports and evaluations of district activities supported by these funds. Contact Dana Strop at (651) 463-5020 with any questions regarding special education.