Achievement & Integration

The purpose of the Achievement and Integration (A&I) for Minnesota program is to pursue racial and economic integration, increase student achievement, create equitable educational opportunities, and reduce academic disparities based on students' diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in Minnesota public schools.

Goal #1 - Increase Economic & Racial Integration

  • Increase the percentage of BIPOC students who enroll in Advanced Placement and College in the Schools courses from 21.5% in 2022-23 to at least 25% in 2025-26.
  • Strategies
    • Encourage participation in multiple career & college pathways.
    • Monitor progress and success in AP and CIS courses
    • Connections with families to encourage career and college paths for learners.

Goal #2 - Reduce Disparities in Achievement

  • Decrease the disparity in percentage of Hispanic students in grades 2-5 meeting their fall to spring growth or accelerated growth goals on the NWEA from 13.2% in 2021-22 to 10% in 2024-25.
  • Strategies
    • Train elementary staff on diagnostic assessments, and identification of instructional strategies aligned with needs.
    • Engage families in their child’s education, giving resources to families to use with their children at home.

Goal #3 - Increase Access for all students to qualified diverse educators

  • Farmington Area Schools will increase student access to racially diverse educators by increasing the racial diversity of educators from 2.7% in 2023 to 3.2% in 2026.
    • ***educators refers to adults working with students on their learning progression.
  • Strategies
    • Staff participate in equity training.
    • Staff participate in restorative practices
    • Enhance our recruitment process including expanding where we advertise our open positions and making direct connections to Universities and Colleges.