Families with learners who currently take iPads home in grades K-11 may now opt to checkout their district issued iPads for the summer months! We have been offering the optional summer iPad checkout since 2016. Nearly 70% of eligible families and learners last year opted to check out their issued iPads. Using RevTrak to agree to the updated 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement will ensure that your child is set with their iPad check out for the entire 2024-25 academic year.
The option for Summer iPad checkout supports our efforts to foster open-ended, personalized learning opportunities; curiosity; exploration and continued access to creative tools and resources. It also allows students to continue to have access to technology that helps them stay connected to their schools, friends, family and the community during the summer months.
We encourage families to consider checking out their learner’s district issued iPad for the summer. The optional summer iPad checkout reduces the number of learners needing to participate in “spring collections” and the “fall checkout” process when schools are back in session. This shortens the amount of time that learners and teachers are without the use of iPads next fall. Those opting for summer iPad checkout will be set until spring 2025.
The updated 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement, is available online and includes helpful information for iPads checked out for the summer and for the following school year. The RevTrak “iPad Loan Agreement” activities are live for each school site allowing parents, guardians, and learners the ability to review and agree to the terms of the 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement and either opt to ENROLL in, or WAIVE participation in the iPad Protection Plan. The enrollment fee for the optional iPad Protection Plan is $35 for the 2024-25 school year, with no additional fee for the summer months.
Please note that if you have not used RevTrak yet, you will need to create an account and also know your child’s Student ID number to complete the registration process. If you used RevTrak for completing last year’s 2023-24 iPad Loan Agreement, the system has saved your parent and child account information. You will still need to know your learner’s Student ID number. The RevTrak e-Guides and Customer Account guide, along with the RevTrak Frequently Asked Questions provide helpful information for setting up and using the system.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for more details on the optional summer iPad checkout, the iPad Protection Plan, and repair procedures. Individual schools will share end-of-year collection information for those not choosing to take advantage of this opportunity.
For families opting to check out their learner’s iPad for the summer, please know that iPad collection dates vary by school. It is therefore strongly recommended to use RevTrak to review and agree to the 2024-25 iPad Loan Agreement, determine if you want to waive or enroll in the iPad Protection Plan, and complete the “checkout” process as soon as possible.