Tiger Legacy and Learning Center

Tiger Legacy & Learning Center
510 Walnut Street,
Farmington, MN 55024

The Tiger Legacy & Learning Center, located at 510 Walnut Street, Farmington, MN, was built in 1913 and underwent extensive remodeling and updating in 2019 and 2020. This building is currently home to several early childhood and community programs. Program information and contact information for these programs are found through the links on the left of this page.

Programs located in this building are:
Special Education
Wee Tigers
Stepping Stones
Dakota Prairie ABE
Twist “N” Tumble Gymnastics
Adult Enrichment
Youth Enrichment
Chartwells Food Service
Farmington Food Shelf - Learn more about the new space HERE!

Visitors or participants in these programs will be encouraged to pre-arrange entry to the building due to social distancing guidelines and the doors being locked.