Frequently Asked Questions About Kindergarten
When and how can I enroll my child in kindergarten?
Kindergarten enrollment information can be found here. Enrollment for next school year typically begins in January. Students must be five years old on or before September 1 and reside within ISD 192 boundaries to be eligible for enrollment into kindergarten. If you do not reside within ISD 192 boundaries but wish to attend an ISD 192 school, you may apply for Open Enrollment before completing the online registration. Open Enrollment forms can be found here.
Si desea inscribirse con la ayuda de un intérprete, haga una cita aquí.
(If you want to enroll with the help of an interpreter, please make an appointment here.)
Which school will my child attend?
For help determining your neighborhood schools, use the school locator on the district web page or call 651-463-5052. If you have a new student entering Kindergarten, you will need to enroll your child through the district's online registration system located here.
Does the school offer before/after school care?
Kid Connection, school age care is a fee based, school age care program providing high quality care before and after school. All-day care is also offered on non-school days. Kid Connection activities incorporate learning opportunities in reading, math, science, physical education and music. Learn more by calling 651-460-3200.
Will my child ride a bus to school?
Kindergarten students who live more than one mile from school have the opportunity to ride a district provided school bus to and from school. To determine if your home falls within the transportation zone, contact the Transportation Office, Marschall Lines, at 651-463-8689.
Will my child eat breakfast and/or lunch at school?
Farmington Area Public Schools offers nutritious breakfasts and lunches at all elementary schools. Students enrolled in kindergarten are eligible to participate in the school nutrition program. All kindergarten students are provided free breakfast and lunch. To see menus go to Chartwells' school nutrition program or call 651-463-5025.
Does my child qualify for Educational Benefits (Free/Reduced Lunch Program)?
ISD 192 has joined Minnesota’s Free School Meals Program. All students can get one breakfast and one lunch free of charge each day at school. Although no application is required to receive this free meal benefit, filling out the Application for Educational Benefits is still important! Your child(ren) may qualify for other benefits such as reduced fees at school. Your application may also help the school qualify for education funds, discounts, and other meal programs.
Educational Benefits applications are mailed to all families with enrolled students at the beginning of each school year. If you do not receive one, please contact food service at 651-460-3820, or email us at [email protected].
Who should I contact if I feel my child might have a disability?
Special Education services are provided to students with disabilities. Early intervention is available from birth and is effective in helping young children prepare for their early school years. If you suspect that your child has a disability, please contact the principal of the building your child will be attending or the Special Services office at 651-463-5020.
Who should I contact if my child is sick or needs to take medication while at school?
Health offices at each school are staffed by health care professionals committed to keeping students safe. We will work with you to address any medical concerns your child may have. Parents are called if a student is ill and needs to go home or has received an injury requiring transfer to a clinic or hospital.
If your child must be given medication during school hours, a licensed prescribed signature and medication order for both prescription and over-the-counter medicine are required. Parental permission is also needed. Medication permission forms are available online, in the school health office or at your clinic. For more information, please visit the District Health Services web page or call our district nurse at 651-460-1965.
Are immunizations required for kindergarten? Where can I learn more about kindergarten immunizations?
Minnesota Immunization law requires that children enrolled in school to be immunized against certain disease or file a legal medical or conscientious exemption with the school. An updated immunization record with booster shots received or exemption is required when a child enters kindergarten. Learn more here.
Who can I contact with more questions?
Contact information for each of our schools can be found here. Please reach out with questions or if you would like to schedule a school visit.

Does Farmington Area Public Schools offer full day Kindergarten?
Does Farmington Area Public Schools offer full day Kindergarten?