New Student Enrollment

K-12 Student Enrollment

  • Welcome and thank you for your interest in Farmington Area Public Schools!

We are excited to welcome you to Farmington Area Public Schools, ISD 192 and look forward to the opportunity of providing your child with a challenging and rewarding education. You can find information regarding attendance boundaries here.

Farmington Area Public Schools, ISD 192 utilizes an online registration system, available in English and Spanish-please see enrollment options below.  If you do not have access to internet or a computer, please call 651-463-5052 or email [email protected] to make an appointment to enroll in our office.  If you prefer to work with an interpreter to enroll, please click on the link and provide your information so that we can connect you with an interpreter who can assist you with enrollment and/or general district questions.

Si desea inscribirse con la ayuda de un intérprete, haga una cita aquí.
(If you want to enroll with the help of an interpreter, please make an appointment here.)

For information on preschool programs, please click here.
For information on early learning, please click here 

If you have enrollment questions or would like assistance with the enrollment process, please call the Enrollment Office at 651-463-5052.

New Student Enrollment

Normally a student can start school three school days after the approval of their registration, but please contact your student's school with any questions.

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is open. Online enrollment may be completed here.

If you do not have access to internet or a computer, please call 651-463-5052 or email [email protected] to enroll in person.

The Farmington Area Public Schools Enrollment Office can be found on the South side of Farmington High School, Door 16 located at:  20655 Flagstaff Ave. Farmington, MN 55024

Kindergarten Enrollment

    • Online Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year is NOW OPEN!
    •  Enroll today to ensure you don't miss out on any important events or communications as your child prepares to begin kindergarten in Farmington Area Public Schools.    
  • If you have a kindergarten student starting during the current school year (24-25) please visit the Resident Families page.
  • If you have any questions regarding the enrollment process or the online registration system, you can reach the Enrollment Center at 651-463-5052. An enrollment kiosk is also available for those without internet access by appointment only. You can find directions to the Enrollment Center on our website or by giving us a call.
  • For additional information, including enrollment options, information needed to complete enrollment, and upcoming enrollment events, click here.
  • If you have additional questions, please reach out to our enrollment office via email, [email protected], or by phone, 651-463-5052.
  • We look forward to hearing from you and meeting your incoming kindergartener soon! 
  • Note: Non-resident families wishing to open enroll into kindergarten must apply for open enrollment and be accepted prior to registering for kindergarten.


Resident Families

  • Just moved into the Farmington Area Public School District? Find enrollment information and enroll in the current school year.

  • Residents

Open Enrollment

  • Find information about open enrollment, including a timeline and application, on our Non-Resident Families page.

Open Enrollment

Delegation of Parental Authority (DOPA)

A Delegation of Parental Authority (DOPA) is a legal document that lets parents or guardians temporarily allow another trusted adult to care for and make certain decisions for their child. This can be especially helpful in situations like planning a vacation, traveling out of state or country for business, or facing challenges such as health issues, being at risk for deportation, or going to jail. Even if you simply have concerns about managing daily care for your child, a DOPA ensures someone you trust can step in to help with responsibilities like medical care, school matters, as well as daily activities and needs. 

The DOPA doesn’t take away your rights as a parent but provides peace of mind, knowing your child is cared for if you’re unavailable. It’s easy to set up and doesn’t require a lawyer or court approval, but it must be signed in front of a notary to be valid. A separate Delegation of Parental Authority is needed for each child, can last up to one year in Minnesota, and can be canceled at any time – making a DOPA a practical option for short-term or unexpected situations. A link to a printable DPF version of the DOPA form is available here.