School District Census

School District Census
Dear Farmington Area Public Schools Resident,
Farmington is a growing community and it is critical that the school district’s decision makers have accurate household information to best serve the needs of the district’s residents and students. We also use this information to notify parents and residents of programs available through District 192. We value your opinion, and welcome your comments and questions. Please help us in our effort to gather census data by completing this brief form.
This form should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The information is for educational purposes only and the release of this information is governed by State and Federal laws, as well as School Board policy. Your address and phone number are considered private data.
Full Name*
First Name   
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code 
Phone Number
Area Code       Phone Number 
Please list all School Aged Children in the household below:
Full NameBirthdateSchool AttendingGrade







Please list all Pre-School Aged Children 0-5 in the household below:

Full NameBirthdateGender







We appreciate your comments and questions:

Thank you for helping make ISD 192 an excellent and innovative school district!


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