Kindergarten Family Resources

                                                    Orange Tiger Paw; "Tigers" in white text.

What can I do to help prepare my child for a successful first year in school?

Parents are encouraged to download a copy of the Kindergarten Readiness Handbook.  The information and activities in this handbook will help prepare you and your child for this very exciting milestone in your child's life. 

Online Resources:

Minnesota Department of Education

The MDE Kindergarten website is a valuable resource for information regarding the kindergarten experience.

Watch three educators discuss the important role kindergarten plays in a child's life 

Community Education Programs

Community Education offers programs and classes for both incoming kindergarten students and their parents, as well as information about preschool and school age care.

A positive parenting approach to parenting and knowing the little things we do every day add up.   From time to time, all parents need a little help. Sometimes, a piece of solid, encouraging advice can help you have an "a-ha" moment that changes the way you think and act.
Instead of focusing on what's wrong with kids, our positive, strength based approach to parenting focuses on what's right with kids (and 
parents), and the small, everyday steps you can take to help kids be successful in the future.