The Farmington Area Public Schools, ISD 192 Strategic Framework is a guiding document that describes the purpose of the school district, its goals as an organization, and how those goals will be achieved. The primary function of the Strategic Framework is as an aspirational document, providing ISD 192 staff with an understanding of our collective purpose, our shared beliefs, and strategies for helping us achieve our district mission. The creation of the Strategic Framework is a collaborative process including staff members, community members, parents, and learners. Since implementing this process community satisfaction with the quality of education in ISD 192 has increased from 84% in 2015 to 91% in 2021. The Strategic Framework is reviewed and refined regularly and was most recently updated in the spring of 2022.
The focus throughout the ISD 192 Strategic Framework is on serving learners as unique individuals with varying needs and helping them to take an active part in and ownership of their own learning experiences. This document details the philosophical basis on which the school district operates, including belief statements, a mission statement, and guiding principles. It also includes objectives, strategies, and purpose statements for each strategy which further explain in more concrete terms areas of further exploration allowing the school district to put this philosophy into practice.
The Strategic Framework informs how ISD 192 operates at every level and serves as a point of reference when planning, implementing, and evaluating the work of the district. As a professional document meant for educators to use in their daily work, it includes some language and concepts that are particular to education and in some cases specific to ISD 192. This Community Companion Guide has been designed to better share our Strategic Framework with our families and other community members. To this end, it includes a glossary of important terms and a summary explanation of each part of the Strategic Framework at the beginning of each new section.
For information on the Strategic Framework process contact ISD 192 at [email protected] or call (651) 463-5013.