Multilingual Learner Program

Farmington Multilingual Learner Program

At the elementary level, meeting the needs of Multilingual learners can be met in two different ways.  Students may be pulled out of the mainstream classroom in small groups for a short period of time to focus on academic reading, writing, listening and speaking in English.   The pull-out will not be during core reading,  math,  or specialist times.  ML students will meet with their ML teacher, or ML para for 20-30 minutes  2-5 days per week to develop academic language in the content areas.  Co-teaching  is another service model.  With co-teaching, the ML teacher and the mainstream classroom teacher work together planning and delivering the lessons.

Middle School
At the middle school level, ML students receive services in two different ways.  Recently arrived English Learners and beginning Multilingual Learners are placed in a sheltered English Language Development (ELD) class.  The class meets for one block  all year.  All ML students also receive services through their content classes in the form of co-teaching.  The EL teacher and the classroom teacher work together planning and delivering the lessons.

High School
At the high school level, MLs receive services in two different ways.  Recently arrived English Learners (RAELs) and beginning Multilingual Learners are placed in a sheltered English Language Development (ELD) class.  The class meets for one period each day all year.  All Multilingual Learners also receive services through their content classes in the form of co-teaching and sheltered instruction.  The ML teacher and the content area teacher work together planning and delivering the lessons.