Kindergarten Enrollment

Scroll down for registration information or click here to learn more about kindergarten in ISD 192.

Kindergarten 2024-2025 Registration

    • Online Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year is NOW OPEN!
    •  Enroll today to ensure you don't miss out on any important events or communications as your child prepares to begin kindergarten in Farmington Area Public Schools.    
  • For additional information, including enrollment options, information needed to complete enrollment, and upcoming enrollment events, see below.  

Students must be five years old on or before September 1 and reside within ISD 192 boundaries to be eligible for enrollment into kindergarten. If you do not reside within ISD 192 boundaries but wish to attend an ISD 192 school, you may apply for Open Enrollment before completing the online registration. Open Enrollment forms can be found here.

Si desea inscribirse con la ayuda de un intérprete, haga una cita aquí.
(If you want to enroll with the help of an interpreter, please make an appointment here.)

General enrollment information is available below or by calling the Enrollment Office at 651-463-5052.

  • We look forward to hearing from you and meeting your incoming kindergartener soon! 


Enrollment Options

Open Enrollment
If you do not reside within ISD 192 boundaries but wish to attend an ISD 192 school, you may apply for Open Enrollment before completing the online registration. Open Enrollment forms can be found here.

In-District Transfer 
All students residing within ISD 192 will be assigned to their neighborhood boundary school unless they are approved for an in-district transfer. In-district transfer forms can be found here and may be completed after completing the online registration.

Early Entrance Into School
Parents seeking information on Early Entrance Into School, click here.

Early Childhood Screening

The State of Minnesota requires that all children complete a free early childhood screening given by Community Education. The purpose of this screening is to provide parents with general information about their child's growth and development and to identify children who may show potential health or developmental concerns. In our district, it is preferred early childhood screenings for children take place between the age of 3 and 4 years old. Click here for more information regarding screening dates and to schedule your appointment. 

Kindergarten Welcome Events
Spring into Kindergarten For the 2024-25 school year, each elementary school will hold a Spring into Kindergarten welcome event to give you and your child a chance to see where they will be going to kindergarten, meet school staff and also ask any questions you may have about their upcoming kindergarten experience. The dates for these events are listed below. 

Spring into Kindergarten 2024!
Akin Road Elementary - Thursday, May 2nd, 3-4:30 p.m.
Farmington Elementary - Thursday, May 9th, 3-5:00 p.m.
Meadowview Elementary - Thursday, May 9th, 4-5:00 p.m.
North Trail Elementary - Tuesday, May 7th, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Riverview Elementary - Tuesday, April 30th, 5-6 p.m.   

Other welcome events or activities may be added at a later time, so please watch your inbox once your registration is complete. 

K Enrollment Handbook

If you have questions or are interested in a tour of one of our schools, please reach out to the school office and they would be happy to help. 

Find more information regarding kindergarten programming by visiting our kindergarten page.

Kindergarten Family Handbook

Families are encouraged to download a copy of the Kindergarten Readiness Handbook (click here). The information and activities in this handbook will help prepare you and your child for this very exciting milestone in your child's life.